Firstly me and the wife got free tickets to see "The King and I" at the Royal Albert Hall. Daniel Dae Kim (him offa that Lost) played the King. Here he is in action, erm, sitting on a bed:
It was a charming production, although the sound levels in the Hall made it difficult to hear some of the actors when they weren't singing. Stunning set designs too.
We've also been catching up with films we'd missed. Special mention has to go to The Lives Of Others, which just blew me away. An amazingly moving film, packed full of great performances. It thoroughly deserved the Oscar it won in 2007. If you've not seen it, search it out and watch it. You won't be disappointed.
Other films we've seen recently include 300 (meh), Ghost Town (very good), The Last King Of Scotland (good as well, but a slightly bewildering mix of fact and fiction), and Wanted (the less said about the better).
Another cultural event took place last night in Trafalgar Square, when we attended a free open air screening of La Traviata, Verdi's opera, that was being performed in the Royal Opera House just around the corner. I'd not seen it before, and it was a great performance, added to by the surroundings - including police sirens, helicopters, and the odd person trying to walk across your picnic. Always fun. My favourite part of the evening was, after the live announcer had been informing everyone that the Royal Opera House was up to date and you could follow them on twitter, he turned to the assembled crowd and said "Will you all tweet tonight for us?" to be met by a crowd of boos, "certainly not", etc. I think I just saw twitter jump the shark.
I've also been rereading favourites of mine from my bookshelf, ostensibly to distract myself from the novel, which is at a delicate, almost-out-there-but-not-quite stage. Rereading things like the Sandman series, or the Dark Tower series, guarantee that I won't stumble across a plot device or character that seems eerily similar to something I've written. I've been avoiding reading the book reviews in SFX and on for a few weeks, too.
The book is getting a final spit and polish, which should take around a week to finish. I've sent off the first three chapters and a synopsis to friends of friends, and the feedback is starting to come in. Thankfully it's positive, so far at least. I just need to finish this draft and then I can switch off the brain and enjoy the summer!
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